
想要接触更多的客户,发展你的业务,提高你的底线? ATA指南针发表了一些文章,并提供了一些资源,向您展示语言专业人士如何帮助您实现这些目标.  

Shohei Ohtani’s Japanese interpreter under the microscope

By ATA指南针 | April 19, 2024

解释, 道德, 以及专业精神在语言获取中的重要性, 詹姆斯·基什内尔, Christina Guerrero-Harmon, 鉴于语言专业人士经常在幕后工作, 这是……

Image by on Freepik

Using AI for Translation: (When) is it Safe?

By ATA指南针 | April 17, 2024

By Corinne McKay If you’re a translation buyer, 最近你可能听到了很多关于人工智能/机器翻译(AI/MT)热潮的嗡嗡声. No question about it, automated translation has…

Image generated with Adobe Firefly

Which Spanish variant should you choose for your translation?

By ATA指南针 | 2024年3月27日

用Adobe Firefly生成的图像由Molly Yurick | Compass作者西班牙语既美丽又多样. It’s a global language with an estimated 500 million…

Transform Your Site: English-Spanish Website Translation 

By ATA指南针 | February 28, 2024

全球有超过5.59亿西班牙语使用者, 西班牙语为寻求扩大市场的企业提供了规模庞大且快速增长的客户群……


By ATA指南针 | January 31, 2024

多亏了《永利最新网址》和《永利登录网址》(韩语原版)等国际大片的成功。, video translation and subtitling have now become hot…


By ATA指南针 | December 1, 2023

作为一名ATA永利登录网址的西班牙语到英语的翻译,专门从事医疗和市场营销以及官方文件的翻译, 我的工作不仅仅是把单词从一种语言变成另一种语言;


By ATA指南针 | November 1, 2023

你的双语员工肩负着很大的责任. 雇用多语种员工的好处是显而易见的:他们使与客户或病人的沟通更容易.…

大脑工作 image. Credit: wellcome collection


By ATA指南针 | October 11, 2023

这篇文章最初发表在英国翻译与口译研究所的公报上. It is republished with permission. 所有笔译和口译员都是双语或多语. 但不…

What is Machine Translation?

By ATA指南针 | September 26, 2023

Technology is moving at a faster pace today than ever before, and many people are left feeling confused. 新技术将如何影响像翻译这样的创造性领域? The American Translators…


By ATA指南针 | August 30, 2023

了解如何利用字幕翻译和字幕来扩大覆盖面, boost engagement, ensure accessibility, and more – from a professional subtitler and captioner.  You’ve created the perfect video…

How to Hire a Translator: A Quick and Easy Guide

By ATA指南针 | August 9, 2023

This article was originally published on It is reposted with permission. 也许你以前从未购买过翻译服务,突然发现自己需要聘请一名翻译或…

连续对. Simultaneous 解释: What’s the Difference?

By ATA指南针 | 2023年7月19日

语言学家对《永利登录网址》的预告片感到高兴,因为它说出了永利登录网址许多人几十年来一直在低声抱怨的事情. If you’re curious about why the…

How to Translate Your Website: 3 Key Considerations

By ATA指南针 | 2023年6月28日

You’ve launched a website for your business or organization. Congratulations! Now, what next? 如果你想让你的网站获得更广泛的受众,考虑把它翻译成……


By ATA指南针 | 2023年6月7日

移民过程可能会有压力,把你的文件翻译成英文不应该增加压力. This quick and easy guide will help. It explains the USCIS…


How Much Does a Translation Cost?

By ATA指南针 | 2023年5月17日

如果你正在寻找翻译服务,你可能想知道翻译要花多少钱. Whether you need a birth certificate or diploma translation, a translation of documents about your family history,…

How to Recognize and Implement Quality 解释


By ATA指南针 | April 26, 2023

With a set of quality standards in place, 有可能使英语水平有限的个人能够获得医疗保健,而不会延迟患者护理或中断您的工作流程. 尽可能多的…

博客横幅展示了一只机械手按在笔记本电脑键盘上,以说明标题“机器翻译vs .翻译”. 人工智能会取代世界上第二古老的职业吗?"

Machine Translation vs. 人工翻译:人工智能将取代世界上第二古老的职业吗?

By ATA指南针 | 2023年4月5日

译者为自己是优秀的沟通者而自豪,他们也应该如此. After all, it’s their job! 但有时,即使是最好的沟通者也会说到脸色发青……

Breaking Intercultural Communication Barriers in Business

Breaking Intercultural Communication Barriers in Business

By ATA指南针 | March 15, 2023

你是否曾经感到在工作中冒犯了别人却不知道为什么? 或者你是否曾经和来自另一种文化的人一起工作,发现他们的行为令人困惑……



By ATA指南针 | February 22, 2023

随着全球数百万人将他们的课程甚至社交聚会转移到网上, 讲不同语言的人之间的国际商务和会议看起来大不相同. In a pre-pandemic…

What’s the difference between a translator and an interpreter


By ATA指南针 | February 1, 2023

If you’re looking to hire a language professional, 你需要问自己的第一件事是你是否需要一个翻译或口译员. Although the terms are often…

5 Steps for Translating Official Documents

5 Steps for Translating Official Documents

By ATA指南针 | January 11, 2023

If you’re starting the U.S. immigration process, applying to an American university, or considering a career opportunity in the United States, you will need certain legal or official documents translated…

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