A Self-Evaluation Questionnaire For Translators

以下是成为一名成功的翻译所必须具备的条件. 如果你在这些领域中的一个或多个方面不强,那么进一步的学习将是成功的必要条件.

  • thorough knowledge of source and target languages
  • 每种语言的文化流畅性
  • 优秀的写作和编辑能力
  • extensive background in chosen areas of specialization
  • 扎实的计算机技能
  • 查阅参考资料
  • 良好的网络搜索技能

超越“给定”,” this questionnaire will help you review many specific aspects of our profession. No newcomer is expected to be 能力 to answer “yes” to everything on this list. 应该是有用的, 然而, in assessing your personal readiness to embark on this career, and in setting the goals that will lead you to success.


What I need to know before the phone rings

是的 No 不确定 我是否愿意为事业投入时间、金钱、体力和精力? 我知道我要做什么吗? Do I have business skills in addition to translating and writing skills? 我是否注重细节?? Do I know and understand the ethical standards of translation and interpreting? 我知道雇员和独立承包人在税法上的区别吗? Do I know what licenses I need to be in business? Is my résumé up to date and appropriate? Have I designed business cards and letterhead? Is my sample portfolio compiled and ready to go? 我知道如何推销我的技能吗? 我愿意坚持这样做吗? 在竞标工作之前,我是否知道我的特殊技能在今天的市场上值多少钱? Did I remember to include a certain percentage to cover my 开销? 我是否知道在我的基本费率之外可能产生的额外费用(手写文件), 特殊格式要求, 等.)? 我是否知道我将礼貌地拒绝什么样的翻译工作或条款(由于对薪酬或周转时间的不合理期望), 技能不足, 个人的偏见, 等.)? Am I prepared to negotiate terms (high-volume projects, 紧急工作, 非营利组织项目, 等.)? 我是否能够在看过文档后相对较快地给出合理准确的字数统计(源语言和/或目标语言)和周转估计? (我如何对我没有完整看过的文件做出“大致”估计——高到足以覆盖未知的成本, but low enough to keep the client interested?) 除非我在开票前与我的客户明确了变更,否则我是否尊重我履行成本报价的义务? (我是否理解即使在特殊情况下也不可能增加费用?) 我是否预先安排了质量控制措施,以保证制作出一流的产品(比如花时间仔细考虑我的草稿), 检验工具, 校对时间, a third reading by a colleague with source- or target-language background, 一个学科领域的专家来咨询, 等.)?


What I need to know after the phone rings

是的 No 不确定 Do I discuss fees and terms with potential clients confidently, 毫不犹豫地, 或是繁琐的借口和道歉? Do I secure a written agreement for the work before I start the job? (如果不是,我知道风险吗? 我愿意承担哪些风险?) 我是否记得询问必要的背景信息(关于听众的), 目标文档的最终用途, 公证的要求, 等.)? 为了确保一致性,我是否要求查阅以前的译文或竞争对手的材料? Do I confirm receipt of materials sent by the client? 我是否意识到自己的局限? (Do I decline projects that I cannot do well?) While revising my translated document, 我是否应该站在目标读者的文化和语言背景的角度来阅读? 我是否要校对语言、文化和技术的准确性,以及风格和遗漏? Do I have convenient access to translation tools, 先进的软件, 和高速互联网服务? 我是否遵守最后期限? (In an emergency, do I notify the client immediately?) Do I deliver in the format and platform requested by the client? Are my invoices professional looking and complete? 是否解释了个人费用并记录了费用(仅是事先商定的费用)? 我的付款条件写清楚了吗? 我是否要保留电子副本以备将来可能的更正、修订或补充? 要多久?? (我是否要在工作完成后询问将背景资料归还给客户?) 我是否知道我可以等多久才能付款(例如,30-90天)?) Am I knowledge能力 about how to collect payment from slow-paying clients? 我愿意吗?, 能力, 并准备好投入时间, 努力, and funds to expand my range of skills and methods (learning new software, reading professional journals and 参考资料s, nurturing a translation partner relationship, 等.)?



是的 No 不确定 我是否应该及时回电话? Are my marketing strategies honed daily, 每周, or at least monthly depending on the amount of business I want? Do I maintain a positive, cooperative attitude? (Are my requests and specific working requirements reason能力?) 我灵活吗?? 我是否愿意接受改变? (Can I readily admit mistakes and offer to correct them?) 我能接受我的客户并不完全了解我的职业及其问题吗, 也不是我个人的困难, and that it is not his or her responsibility to learn about them? Am I 能力 to put myself in my client’s shoes? 我能否预见到可能出现的误解,并在必要时立即发起公开讨论或调解, instead of silently jumping to conclusions?) 无论是否需要签署声明,我是否遵守保密协议和“竞业禁止”原则? Do I ask permission to include client material as samples in my portfolio?
我是否对客户和同事保持忠诚并知道这意味着什么? (Am I alert to potential conflicts of interest?) 我是否意识到,并非所有的翻译都要求或收到相同的费率,并且存在差异的重要原因(特定的语言/领域), professional and educational background, 多年经验, 专业领域, 开销, 等.)? 我的工作质量是否始终如一? 我是否以专业和及时的方式做到了我说过的事情?


是的 No 不确定 Do I refrain from saying: “I’m translating just for the fun of it; it’s a hobby;” “It’s not my real job, but it helps me to keep up with my languages;” “It’s something to keep me busy.” Have I honed my “client education skills?(例如, 我该怎么礼貌地拒绝一份期限或费用不合理的工作?) Do I request constructive feedback on my work and services? 我是否能优雅地接受批评, 并认真考虑,以学习和提高我的技能和服务?) Am I aware that the professional world of translation is small and, 作为一个自由职业者, 我可能会被几个不同的渠道(潜在客户和机构“货比三家”)要求做同样的工作。? Do I keep ethical concerns in mind at all times? Do I clarify these matters as soon as possible? 我是否应该避免随意谈论一项任务或客户/部门/同事, 意识到这种随意的谈话可能会带来问题,对每个人都有害——客户、翻译行业以及我的同事? Do I acknowledge those who refer clients to me with a thank you note or call, 相互作用, 约定的发现者酬金, or some other mutually understood recognition? 在可能的情况下, 我是否利用机会获得适当的证书(永利登录网址永利登录网址), 联邦或州永利登录网址, 或大学课程/项目)? Do I consider joining local and national professional associations? (Do I take advantage of meetings, conferences, and workshops whenever possible?)


是的 No 不确定 When asked to do volunteer translating or interpreting, do I ask why the client is seeking volunteers? When considering offering my services as a volunteer, do I ask myself if I will be taking work away from my colleagues? 只有当参与项目的其他专业人员也贡献他们的时间时,我才会考虑提供免费翻译服务吗? 在谈话中, 只要适当的, 我提到“翻译”这个词了吗,”“翻译,和“口译员”,以进一步提高公众对这一职业及其意义的认识? 如果评论家在评论翻译的文学作品时不承认译者的贡献, do I consider informing the critic or the publication of this omission? 我是否会考虑成为翻译出版物的志愿者(实用主题), 个人观点或经历, 等.) or a speaker/workshop leader at a translation or business conference? 我是否会考虑为这个行业做一些拓展工作,比如和高中学生交流, 参加大学就业日, submitting articles about the translation field to general-interest publications, 给编辑写信, speaking at business community networking meetings, or informing new translators about professional associations and conferences, 等.? 我是否有兴趣成为专业翻译组织的志愿者或工作人员? 如果我所在地区没有翻译组织,我是否可以通过加入地区组织和/或国家协会来提供道义上的支持和经济上的援助? If there is no such group, am I interested in starting a local translators group? Would I consider being a mentor for a newcomer to the field, or working in tandem with another translator to provide proofing services, 参考资料, cultural or subject matter consultation, 等.? Do I continue to be alert to what it is I do not yet know? 我喜欢翻译工作吗?



To fulfill the Ethics Module, you must complete the 核查声明 并保留下来作为你的记录.
